The Distinction between Semantics and Pragmatics and the possibility of an "internal" legal positivism

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This article draws some comments about the book “Internal” legal positivism, by María Cristina Redondo, aiming to reconstruct her main theses, and to identify some statements that may be problematic for a positivist. The main distinction that articulates the text consists in reconfiguring the traditional distinction between internal and external point of view from a double perspective: semantic and pragmatic. This enables the author to argue in favor of the possibility of describing legal contents neutrally and critically, without need of participating or accepting the legal practice.

Article Details

Flavia Carbonell Bellolio
Carbonell Bellolio, F. (2023). The Distinction between Semantics and Pragmatics and the possibility of an "internal" legal positivism. Filosofía Juridica, (38), 59–85. Retrieved from


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